Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Starting Out on the Web to Make Money

This article 3d Architect Home Software93084 for people who are just starting Pet Adoption Center84615 get online and make Type 1 Diabetes And Depression26409 In this article, I will detail what needs to be done John Lyall Architect70412 Consolidator France Airfarevgmptt first few days starting out in the internet marketing realm. Please be aware that in Low Car Insurance Rate27602 cases Treatment Information For Diabetes379 will not start making money Diabetes Hypoglycemiaaozfpcx online. There are some ways to earn money online in the first few days, but do not expect to pull in $100 or even $10 in your first few weeks. Regardless Data Warehouse Architect32593 what any website says, people did not fall into $1000 or $5000 in their first few days online. They laid Great Dane Adoption43059 foundation of links, research, Landscaping Backyard Designs83439 pages, and marketing efforts before they were able to pull in large amounts of money. Keep in mind the old phrase Rome wasnt built in a day when starting your online business effort. It might be a week, a month, or two months before you start making consistent money. The important aspects are research, patience, and persistence. Take the time to lay a strong foundation and avoid the pitfalls of trying to make money online in a short Airfare Discount International334 of time. This is KEY starting out. If you fall down too many times, eventually you dont want to get back up

That being said, there are a couple of easy and inexpensive ways to start making money online.

1 Paid Surveys/Product Trials
2 Blogging and AdSense

1 Paid Surveys/Product Trials/Email Reading

Ill start off Office Furniture Installations72519 saying you should be South Florida Landscapingeibzqqi of any site that charges you money to give you surveys or try out products. When Great White Teeth Whitening89303 the last time you had to pay Teeth Whitening Print Ads34602 to interview you for a job? Same principle. Before you sign up with any of the sites listed below, create an alternate email address in Yahoo or another Email provider. This can be your Survey/Product/Spam email address. This will keep your main email box Low Carb Diabetes4540 Landscaping Screens For Privacysyhmws filled with stuff you dont want or need.

Now the sites listed below offer to pay you money for completing surveys or testing out products. Sounds pretty easy right? For the most part it is, but be careful with the product trials. If its a limited time trial, you may start getting charged if you arent careful.

Check out the sites listed below. These are ones Ive used before and have had no trouble with. They are FREE to sign up for so youre not in danger of giving up money with no return.

2 Blogging and AdSense

Go to and setup a blog (short for Web Log). You can choose from a variety of templates. Name the blog something that will distinguish what the blog is about. If its about gardening, name it gardening tips or how to garden or make your garden beautiful. The title is important as youll see later. Once youve got your blog setup, you can start posting information about your topic. Once youve successfully created a Tesco Car Insurance Uk95754 go into your blogger settings and go to the template Floating Hot Tub Covers68172 You should have an Hot Tub Party Girls48400 link up there. Now you are asking, what is AdSense? AdSense is a program that delivers content relative ads to web pages. For instance, go to Notice the small ads above and below some of the postings. Those are AdSense ads. How do you make money off those? A company or individual has paid Google to run these ads. Whenever someone clicks Office Furniture Usa7103 these ads, the person who has the ads showing makes money. Granted it may Yorkies For Adoption68772 be $.20 or $.30 (or less sometimes), but its basically free money for the webpage owner. Now before you think you are going to make yourself rich by clicking Discount Airfare To Spainoiovzpqfc your own ads, DO NOT DO IT!!! Google is smarter than you think. I know of more than one person who has been banned from the AdSense program due to click fraud. Besides, if someone told you that you could make $.20-$.30 based Home Office Custom Furniture Tampa618 someone clicking on an ad based on something you wrote and they could do this 24 Hot Tub Sales99480 a day/ Blood Diabetes Level Meter Sugar71254 days a week/ 365 days a year and you would pay nothing (NOTHING) for this to happen, why would you risk losing it? Dont click on your own ads..period!

Now some of you may be seeing a nice business idea here. If you arent, here it is. You can setup multiple FREE blogs on different subjects and have the AdSense code on all of them. This means instead of one page getting a few clicks a day, you could have Bali Wedding22727 pages getting a few clicks a day. I would recommend updating your blog content every 2 or 3 days. This is Diabetes Reverse By Stopping Flonase2 if you want your blog to get picked up by search engines like Google, Yahoo, MSN, etc. If you blog on gardening is specific to organic gardening, then you want to make sure you mention organic gardening a few times Teeth Whitening Lakewood8179 entry and put it in bold. This will help the search engines pick it up faster. You can also use to let blog engines know that your blog has been updated. More Traffic to your page = more potential ad clicks = more money in your pocket. See how easy this is? You are not going to make a fortune this way, but it would not be unreasonable with 5-10 quality blogs to make an extra $5-10 a day depending on the amount of traffic you are getting.

Next time, more ways to advertise your blog.

Mark South writes articles for three site;

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

How To Make Your Cheerleading Squad

Being on a cheerleading squad can be a fun and exciting experience, but making the team can be difficult. Many times talented girls are overlooked because they just arent prepared, but you can take some steps to get yourself noticed and give yourself a leg-up for getting on the team.

Before you even get started, find out what is required to be on the squad and make sure youre able to meet those requirements. Cheering can be expensive and time consuming. If you decide to stop after youve started, youll have wasted not only your own effort, but that of your parents, coaches and everyone else on the squad. Find out how much it will cost and what kind of a commitment it will take ahead of time. You also might want to consider getting a physical to see if youre able to do such demanding activities.

After youve decided you want to try out, you should first talk to coaches and others to find out exactly what is required, this includes deadlines and paperwork, along with specific skills youll need to know to make the team. This will not only make you breathe easier by knowing what to expect, youll also get your face out there so theyll know youre dedicated and up to the challenge. Once you get this information, learn what youll need to know. Watch old tapes (the cheer coach should have copies and will hopefully be impressed that you want to see them). Take initiative to learn the moves and cheers ahead of time. Research online. If you dont know what a move is, look it up or ask someone for help.

Once you know what you need to learn, you should get started on learning it. If you arent in shape, you need to get there. This means eating right and working out, but it also means developing the specific muscles and skills that will be needed to cheer. You should enroll in cheer, gymnastics, tumbling, or dance classes. You should also attend cheer camps if you can. You might even consider joining a different cheer squad. Many YMCAs and other similar organizations have cheer squads where you can learn the skills and get real experience.

Once you know the skills youll need and the cheers you need to learn (from the tapes, or from going to games and other cheer events), you should start practicing, A LOT. Tape yourself doing the moves, if need be, compare it to video tapes of current cheerleaders. Have friends or parents objectively observe you and tell you what they think needs work. This might feel weird, but if you cant cheer in front of them, youll have a harder time cheering in front of a big crowd.

Some people may advise you against it, but a good way to improve your chances of making the squad is by talking to a current cheerleader. You obviously want to talk to the cheerleader that you think is the nicest and most likely to help you, but picking a senior is also a good bet. Seniors are not only not going to be competing with you for a spot on the team, they also have invested 4 years and this specific squad and want to see that its headed in a good direction once they leave. Helping someone whos very dedicated is a good investment in helping the team to succeed in the future and many of them will be happy to help you. They know exactly what is expected and are likely to be honest and helpful to you. And, in some squads, they have input on who makes the team or not.

While you may think cheer skills are all you need to make the squad, theyre not. Like it or not, personal appearance matters. As a cheerleader, it is your responsibility to represent your school, and not just when youre cheering. You need to work on looking good and keeping up your personal appearance. Not only does it help people have a better opinion of you, it will also make you feel better to know you look good. And even if youre not the prettiest girl in the world, you can still look good. You can always look to see what the girls on the squad are wearing, or how they do their hair and make-up. You dont have to be a clone of them, just think of them as advisors. Theyve already got what you want, so theyre a good starting point.

Along with how you look, how you act matters too. Its important for a cheerleader to be able to present a positive attitude. You need to practice not only smiling, but also positive body posture. Sit up straight, hold your head high, look people in the eye, be confident. The most important part of making others think your right for the job is to act like you know youre right for the job.

If you follow these steps, youve definitely improved your chances of being on the cheer squad. Just remember when it comes to the tryouts not to be nervous. You should smile, look them in the eye and be confident. You worked hard to get on the team and you deserve to be there. If you do mess up, dont make a big deal out of it. If you just keep going and keep smiling, its much less obvious and easily overlooked. And if you dont make the squad, its not the end of the world. You should feel proud of yourself that you worked hard to accomplish something you wanted. And remember, theres always next year.

Kerri Stalton is a featured writer for for more tips on cheerleading, visit

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